Mister B Ball Stretcher D:34 mm, H:40mm - + 650 gram
Please select an option Mister B Ball Stretcher D:34 mm, H:15 mm - 300 gramMister B Ball Stretcher D:34 mm, H:40mm - + 650 gram
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If you enjoy a good pull on your balls or love to feel heavy object hanging on your sack? Mister B's ball stretcher is designed to pull the balls as far from the body as possible. The pull feels extremely horny whether you are having sex, masturbating or on your way to work and you were it under your clothes. Enhance and extend your pleasure with a heavy steel ball stretcher that is available in many sizes. The diameter is the inner diameter of the ball stretcher and both the height and diameter are given in millimetres. Choose the one that fits you the best from the drop-down menu. |
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