Customer service
You're always very welcome to contact our customer service, weather it's a question about a product, a shipment or something entirely different.
Our always friendly and helpful Boys are standing by and are ready help you every business day from 09:30 to 17:30.
You can get in touch with the Boys by calling +45 69 69 66 66 or by email:
Questions before, during or after placering an order?
If you've got questions to a product, our delivery services or our services in generalt, please contact us. We try to reply all written emails within a couple of hours during our opening hours.
If you need an answer right now we recommend you to call your customer service by phone: +45 69 69 66 66.
If you're in doubt about our discretion, click here to view how we pack our packages to make them as anonymous as possible and read more about our discretion policies.
No inappropriate words will ever appear on your package, just like the sender address will be our discrete company name.
Discretion is a matter of honor to us and we will do all we can to ensure noone can se, guess or feel what is being sent to you.
Contact informations
Studiestraede 26
1454 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 69 69 66 66
VAT: DK-41712759
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